Thursday, September 29, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Spreads Across the Country

Written by Dialika "Dee" Perkins

They say everything in this world is for sale, and I guess our country's so-called "democratic" government is no exception. Corporations have been infiltrating the system since 1886, beginning with the personification of the corporation to more recently on January 21, 2010 when the United States Supreme Court overruled two important precedents about the First Amendment rights of corporations. The narrowly divided Supreme Court ruled in a 5-to-4 decision that the government my not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections.  (see the full story I wrote about this in print issue #14 here)

While that Supreme Court decision was more than a year ago, people across the world have decided enough is enough! Occupy Wall Street began in New York on September 17 and has since seen supporters in cities from Chicago to Los Angeles to Miami to Houston to the entire world. Celebrities and activists such Russel Simmons, Dr. Cornel West and Michael Moore have stood with protesters to help spread the word and to join in the demands of the other 99%. The other 99% refers all of us who are not one of the 400 most wealthy people and corporations paying little to no taxes. Michael Moore put it best, "There are only 400 of them and 150 Million+ of us!"

New York


Los Angeles


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